Pic microcontroller instruction set
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Instruction Sets in PIC · 1) DATA TRANSFER GROUP · 2) ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC OPERATIONS GROUP · 3) BIT OPERATION GROUP INSTRUCTIONS · 4) PROGRAM FLOW CONTROL · 5) PIC microcontroller instruction set · 1 MOVLW Write constant in W register. 01. A. · 2 MOVWF Copy W to f. 02. A. · 3 MOVF Copy f to d. 03. A. · 4 CLRW Write 0 in W. MC Architecture: RISC microcontroller. •. Instruction Types: 1. Data Processing Operations: – Copy data between registers. – Manipulate data in Similar to most microcontrollers, PIC supports only two arithmetic instructions- addition and subtraction. Flags C, DC, Z are automatically set depending on the If 'd' is one, the result is placed in the file register specified in the instruction. For bit-oriented instructions, 'b' represents a bit field designator This applies to the PIC16F1xxx and PIC16LF1xxx families of PIC® MCUs. Byte Oriented Operations. Mnemonic, Operands, Description, Cycles, 14-bit Opcode MSbLSb The PIC series has only one CPU register that can be explicitly specified by an instruction; the Working register. Where the destination is to be W then bit 7
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