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hhs.texas.gov/laws-regulations/handbooks/home-and-community-based-services-handbook. 0 HCS Program Billing Guidelines. accordance with the HCS Program Billing Guidelines. Also, Sections II. H. and II. T. of the HCS Program Provider Agreement require program providers to. of this title (relating to Claims Payment) and the TxHmL Program Billing Guidelines or the CFC Billing Guidelines for HCS and TxHmL Program Providers.Section 1200. Added Transition Assistance. Services to the list of HCS services. Section 3410. Revised requirements for qualified. HCS Program Billing Guidelines. Also, Sections II. H. and II. T. of the HCS Program. Provider Agreement require program providers to comply with the HCS if requested, a requisition fee in accordance with the HCS Program Billing Guidelines, which are available at dads.state.tx.us. CFC Billing Guidelines (PDF) Section 3710(a)(1). This is a temporary policy change. It is effective March 27, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2020. Program providers must
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